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Cerise-Omega987 stole an Undertale Character by EmmasVarietyArts, journal

The drama from 2020 has returned by MisakiiNomaru, journal

Where have I been? by MisakiiNomaru, journal

Pedophile Warning: Cerise-Omega987 by EmmasVarietyArts, journal

A class action lawsuit filed against DeviantART! by Username-91, journal

WARNING FOR ALL USERS! NFT is stealing your work! by Username-91, literature

A company wants to sell Qinni's art! SPREAD THIS! by Username-91, journal

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The person in the journal is Stalking and Harassing people THEY and the person targeted blocked:

Artists Beware! Stalking and HarassmentDo not harass this user - all that is asked is that you report their harassment journals / account, as all they ever do is post harassment journals nowadays. Making a Blacklist is NOT harassment. What they are doing IS. , I had screenshots, and will be sharing the links below. So I get alerted to another smooth-brain attempting to bitch about NOT doing EXACTLY what they are doing. If you are not aware, galeemlightseraphim has been blocked by a few people for; - Lying - Harassment - and deleting comments. GUeSs WhAt TheY aRe DoInG?! lying about that there is 'no proof!!" of everything they supposedly 'didn't' do. Harassing the people who put them on a blacklist {not even BLOCKED at the start; just on a blacklist} for the above reason. Deleting comments on anything they post that explain WHY they are wrong. AND = here's the kicker!! - making callout posts about people who they admitted to blocking, and had blocked them so add; - Block Evading - Stalking - AND Harassment to the list!! Oh, but we're not done!!! They are LITTERALLY posting call out journals going after someone for being a 'creep stalker' WHILE DOING EXACTLY THAT. Original journal: After the FIRST journal was taken down for -SURPRISE!! - harassment., they went ahead and made ANOTHER journal doing the EXACT. SAME. THING: , ,, I love that they also post this on their profile: ,Bitch - YOU'RE the only one stalking and harassing people. For adding you to a god damn BLACKLIST. You might need to start blocking everyone on DA soon, because more people than you THINK have a brain that functions! , If you have a blacklist, I suggest you add them to it - as it seems like they will not / can not or just WON'T be an adult and just ifnore the fact that they got called out for thier BS, and is likely to harass you, yourself. Even if you block them, they will block evade, and stalk / harass you anyway. Here's the journal they made: ,Beaware Artison-Noteworthy is a creep stalker March 1, 2023 Well, somebody didn’t want took my journal too Feel free to report it for harassment, as well as the above reasons. , Here's a reminder: They are doing every single ONE of these things, and PROVING it by posting those call out journals. They are PUBLICLY proving every single claim laid against them. - Lying - Harassment - deleting comments. - Block Evading - Stalking - AND Harassment , My final message to galeemlightseraphim: I don't know how old you are, nor do I really care. You need to grow up, and realize that by doing exactly why people don't want anything to do with you, and acting like a spoiled 5 year old who's never heard the word 'no' before, you are giving the people who don't like you a REAL reason to not want anything to do with you. Someone put you on a Blacklist and don't want to interact with you / don't want YOU talking to them? Boo-freaking-hoo. Grow up. Not everyone is going to like you, and by doing the shit that you are doing, you are not only FEEDING the reason WHY they don't like you - MORE people will see you for who you REALLY are, and you might just find they don't want anything to do with you, either. You don't want people to stalk, harass or BLOCK EVADE you? You shouldn't be doing THE EXACT SMAE THING to other, either....

galeemlightseraphim {the person mentioned in the journal}  are doing every single ONE of these things, and PROVING it by posting those call out journals.
They are PUBLICLY proving every single claim laid against them.

- Lying
- Harassment
- deleting comments.
- Block Evading
- Stalking
- AND Harassment
Brionnie19/ virovirokun23 / Bundycandycraze19 / Esbreon23 {All the same person}

has been stealing characters {including selling the stolen character BACK to the real owner for 450 points, THEN took it back because she 'regretted' selling it to them,
PLUS bragging about stealing characters from friends, sending death threats, attempting to send her followers to harass anyone who's calling her out on her theft. 

Still using stolen characters and is now attempting to blackmail the owners into giving their characters back in exchange for FREE characters and if she like it, she'll apologize and return them.

Which is a lie, because she's REPEATEDLY stolen characters 'back' and lied on multiple occasions.
Known and proven character thieves,I'm going to start updating this journal with KNOWN character thieves. Just so there's a page that anyone can go to for proof / alerts. First and foremost, I give the FIRST place here to a HORRIBLE person;, ,@brionnie19 / esbreon23 {same person} Also has multiple other accounts: ,BlacklistNovember 28, 2021Decided it was time to finally make my ownStolen at LEAST 2 characters, blackmailed the FIRST owner into buying it to 'gain the rights' to THIER character, THEN gave someone else that SAME character. She is now bragging about stealing and using someone elses' character - from someone who used to be her FRIEND. Also, she's apparently THREATENING people. Proof: ,ALERT!! CHARACTER THEFTFebruary 21, 2022So @brionnie19 and @CutieMiniPainter have stolen,,She's at it again. . .March 20, 2022So much for her 'wanting to be better' and,,Hopefully you REALLY are gone this time. March 28, 2022Don't come back. Because you are NOT welcome,,Someone I liked before stole my OC... (Update)March 18, 2022I thought that she can change and she wouldn't do , She never learns as literal DAYS after she removed the stolen characters she UPLOADED MORE art of them, PLUS staling from ANOTHER person. now: ,God FUCKING damn it EsbrioneApril 17, 2022You're doing it AGAIN. I fucking FORGAVE you. It ,God FUCKING damn it EsbrioneApril 17, 2022You're doing it AGAIN. I fucking FORGAVE you. It,,,,... Even more info in here and in my gallery. 
FUCK THAT SHIT - you lost your DAMN mind by Infinitum--Nihil